Sunday, May 07, 2006

This has been a Maxine weekend. Gotta have my coffee to start my day, and a doughnut is not a bad idea either. It appears that I have a busy week ahead of me. I will be attending a conference for my legal secretaries association as the newly voted in Governor. In other words, I have to pay attention and vote on issues that are of great importance. Darn, that means no sleeping during the reading of the reports. Two other gals from our local association will be traveling with me, and they just happen to be in my knitting group as well. We have planned on leaving early and finding some yarns shops in the area to visit before the conference starts. What a great idea! Anyway, we will be leaving on Thursday and returning home the afternoon of Mother's Day. Not so sure why they decided to hold this conference on Mother's Day weekend, but what is done is done. My youngest son has already made a comment on "so much for Mother's Day". But, he still is going to make me dinner, so it is not a complete loss. I will keep more coming after I return from my conference. Until then, it is Maxine all the way. Oh, and yes, I will be taking my knitting projects with me to the conference. I will always make time to knit.


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