Friday, June 09, 2006

What a day!

I just got home from a day that could have been worse, but was bad enough in itself. I am a little disappointed with my bosses, but I guess Iwill get over it. They came out at 4:30 and said I could go home 1/2 hour early today. Yipee! That was one of my issues that I brought to their attention thismorning that they shot down. Oh well, guess they were feeling a little guilty after all. Enough of that, on to bigger and better things

Tomorrow is the Cancer Relay for Life that I am participating in. My goal was to raise $400.00 towards it and at last look see, I have raised $435.00. Thanks to all my friends and family that sponsored me in this charity. As most of you probably know, my mom and two of her sisters had breast cancer. This is my pet charity that I do support heavily. I have alway financially supported the Cancer Society, but have never participated in the relay before. I joined the team that my jazzercise class put together and I plan on being there for the full 24 hours. I am signed up to walk the track from 8pm to 9 pm Saturday night. It is the patriotic lap (apparently they have named each hour) so I will be wearing my American Flag T-shirt and blue shorts. I can't express how much I am looking forward to being a participant.

On another topic, I talked to my oldest son last night (the one that just got married in December and recently moved with his family to Idaho). They have found a house and he started his new job Thursday. I told him that he needed to call me once a week to keep in touch, and he was shocked. He kept saying "once a week?" Of course I was a wonderful mom and made him feel guilty and insisted that it was the responsible and loving thing to do. I will let you know how well he does at it. Of my two sons, he is the worst at keeping in touch. So, I figure that I will be the one making the contact on most occassions. But that is okay, I am the mom and I am the one that wants to make sure the relationship flourishes. Gosh do I miss my little granddaughter, Kaylee. They will be coming back in August for a visit and baby shower (for the new baby that is due in October) . I am looking forward to their visit.

Last piece of news is that I got a call from my oldest sister who informed me that my niece, her youngest daughter, just got engaged on Tuesday. Her fiance gave her a two carat diamond platnum ring. My sister said it is gorgeous and Sarah (my niece) is floating on clouds and all giddy. If you knew my niece, you would know how different that is for her. She is a very focused, career oriented, no nonsense gal (Police Officer in Southern California). So congrats to her, Auntie is very happy for you.

I guess that is the end of my updates and news. I am still trying to get a good picture of my fat cat "cuddles" to post. But she isn't cooperating.


At 7:37 PM, Blogger The Mutant Penguin Herself said...

Anyone who knows you knows how much family means to you but maybe what people don't know is how dedicated you are to your job, your friends, and anything you set your sights on. I consider myself a very lucky penguin to be able to call you friend. Things will continue to move upwards, I'm sure!


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