Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Thanks Secret Pal

I was not able to let my secret pal know that I received her package on Friday the 22nd as my son crashed his computer and was using mine to restore to his. Don't ask me how he was doing that, all I know is that I did not have access to my computer until today. So, all that to say, thank you secret pal for the latest package. I can hardly wait to try out the knitting thimble and to sit down and read through the magazine. I appreciate everything that you sent and it will all be used with great pride.

I just realized that I didn't take a picture of the Christmas card that came with it. I have a card holder that I pin all my cards too and that is where it is. Just know that I also got a sweet Christmas card as well.

I cannot express how good it feels to receive something from my secret pal. She has bee so great at keeping in touch through e-mail and sending her packages as well. I just want everyone to know how great she is and how happy I am that she is my secret pal 9.

I am still here

Well shame on me! I have not blogged since November 29th! That is just awful. I appologize to everyone, especially my secret pal and my SP9 Hostess. My friends already have given me a tongue lashing and I have meekly asked for their forgiveness. Whew! That is just plain embarrassing!

Well, enough of the groveling and let's get on with what has been going on in my world. I have lots of pictures to share and news to type. First off, I splurged about three weeks ago and bought myself an early Christmas present. Now, all of my friends already know this, but those of you that only know be through this blog have no idea. Drum roll please...............

Taa Daa! I bought a new car! It is a 2007 Honda Pilot SUV 4wheel drive! Since I now have grandbabies, they just didn't fit in my Honda Accord 2 door coupe very well. And let's face it, grandma was having difficulties getting them in and out of the back seat. Isn't it beautiful? I love it and it drives like a dream.

Now, for all the other updates that I owe my fellow bloggers.......I did mostly complete my knitting projects for Christmas. Carla's cable scarf was given to her on the 20th at our weekly coffee date.....I still need to finish it so I took it back so I could do that. I just need to make it a little longer and then it is finished. Thank goodness she understood and loved it anyway.....the next gift was the felted purse for Faith, my receptionist and that was given to her on the 22nd. 100% completed. Take a look at the finished item.

Faith loves it and I have to admit I am very happy with how it turned out. The two last items that I needed to finish were for Christmas Day. One was a scarf for my daughter-in-law Tia and the other was a sweater for my granddaugher, Kaylee. Well I have to admit that neither was completed 100% by Christmas Day, but they were both at about 90%. So, I wrapped them both up and gave them to each of them and then took them back to finish this week. Tia's scarf is just a little too short for her liking so I am making it longer and Kaylee's sweater has to have the button band knitted. All in all I am happy with my projects.

So let's talk about Christmas. Mine was just wonderful! It was the first Christmas with the grandbabies and they just made it so special. Kaylee, she's two, was adorable. You should have seen her face when she came out to the frontroom at 7am and saw all the goodies that Santa had left her. She was just plain amazed and in awe. My boys are in their mid 20's and it has just been too long since I saw Christmas through the eyes of a child. It was a blessing that I am so thankful for and will cherish for a long time. I would post pictures, but the last couple I tried to attach to this post didn't show up. So will save you the boredom. (ha, ha)

I hope all of you had a blessed Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year!