Getting Ready For Christmas
Okay, so we are officially into the Christmas season and I am not ready! I am working on my presents that I had planned on giving, but am I really going to get them done? You tell me. These are what I have going (or as you will see, not going): Kaylee's sweater (I need to do the sleeves and them put it together), Faith's purse (I am 1/2 way done), Tia's scarf (haven't started it yet), Todd's cap (haven't started it yet), Cindy's purse (haven't started it yet), secret pal's slippers (I have 1/2 a sole done), Two doilies for my sister Charlotte (not started yet). I know, I am doomed! All these projects sounded good back 6 months ago. Where did all the time slip off to? At least it is obvious that Kaylee, Faith and probably Tia will get their gifts. I am thinking that I will have to go to plan B for the others. Heh, they have birthdays, I can give their gifts to them then, or next Christmas is still available. See there is always options.
The truth be known, I work well under pressure and usually can pull things together, but I didn't realize that with my son and his family moving in with me that I would not have the time to put towards knitting. After all, my grandbabies want my attention and I just can't ignore them. And Kaylee, my granddaughter, just hasn't gotten the hang of not taking my knitting and running off with it. She thinks it is a game and wants to be involved in whatever I am doing. And let's face it, by the time her bedtime rolls around (9pm) I am too tired to pick up my knitting. Heh, I just thought of another option.......I could put a picture of what they were suppose to get and wrap that up with a note of the expected finished date. Creative don't you think? Okay I hear and see all of my CHAMPS gals laughing and rolling their eyes. I do like to entertain. (ha, ha)
Anybody want to place a friendly wager on whether I get any of them finished? Come on, I love a challenge.