Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Got A Package!

Look what was waiting for me when I got home from jazzercise tonight! My secret pal might have taken a little longer than others to get her package out, but wow did she do good. Look at all the goodies! Talk about a smorgasboard! Take a good look at the yarn in the middle. She dyed it herself and in my favorite colors, green and peach. How awsome is that! And then look at what is in the front, my favorite candy. Yummmm. She even sent a goodie for Cuddles, my cat. I just can't go on enough about what she sent. It took her time and true interest to pick out the things that she did. I count myself very fortunate to have her as my secret pal.

Believe it or not, I actually called my friend Roni and told her she had to come over to see what I got. We browsed through the magazine and drooled over the patterns, while sampling the candy of course. It is going to be hard to decide which one to make first, but heh, I can make whatever I want, whenever I want. Right? Oh and let's not forget the foliage yarn. It is sooo pretty and soft. I love it. Choices, choices, choices, what shall I make out of it. And I can't miss telling you about the Yankee candle that she sent. It is in peach, again my favorite scent. Oh, and the package of green lying on the counter to the right are point protectors shaped like socks. How cute is that. And the felted cat, I can hardly wait to start making it. It looks so adorable.

I guess you can tell that I am very happy and excited with my package. I hope my secret pal really gets how happy she has made me. Thank you very much.


At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi B-day girl. I see you also got the magazine "Creative Knits" I have a subscription to it and love it. Lucky girl!! Your SP is treating you right!! Love the yarns too.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Julie....Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Thanks for sharing your chocolate with me're a very spoiled spoilee....luuuucky.

Nice job Julie's SP.

At 11:51 PM, Blogger The Mutant Penguin Herself said...

What a lovely double birthday present! YIPPIE!! You are really lucky! Secret Pal did great! I love the yarn!

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh - I am SO happy you love your gifts. I can't wait to send another package. I promise it will be soon!


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