Thursday, September 14, 2006

Shame on me!

Wow! I just realized that it has been way too long since I have posted to my blog. Yes I have been busy, but good grief 2 1/2 weeks since I last posted. Shame, shame, shame. The truth is that I not only have been too busy to blog, but I haven't been able to get together with my fellow knitters "Champs". They are meeting without me, which means that I am the topic of conversation. (at least that is what the rule book says). You know, those that don't attend either get put on a committee or get talked about. Actually, my group of friends say the same thing behind my back that they say to my face. How cool is that!

Well, I got my tickets to fly to Idaho to witness the birth of my first grandson. The due date is October 6th and I will be flying in on the 4th. I will be staying for a full two weeks and hope to further bond with my new daugther-in-law during that time.

I have finished the yellow booties, started the baby blanket and will be casting on the next pair of boot type booties this weekend. I am going to a conference in Rocklin and plan on taking my projects with me. Brooke (one of my fellow knitters) and I will be rooming together, so if I run into any trouble I have someone to help me figure things out. My plan is to arrive in Idaho with two pairs of booties, blanket and hat for the new baby, Veggie Tales video, color book and stuffed animal for Kaylee and bunches of mom hugs and support for Chad and Tia.

Though my calendar is overflowing, I will try to be better at keeping my posts up to date. I still have yet to sign up for SP9, but plan on doing that this weekend.


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Michaela said...

I understand completely! It sounds like your trip to Idaho will be amazing. Enjoy! :)

At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well cheese and rice it's about dang time you updated this thing!!! I've been in blog reading hell between you and my sister, you two never blog!
Glad you're signing up for sp9 I think it will be fun with the holidays and all. And... I'm sorry you've been so busy that you've missed sign-ups for the chocolate swap...yep you heard right...c h o c o l a t e!!! YUM

At 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how exciting . . . 2 weeks with your son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and new grandchild . . . hey while you're back there maybe you will be able to check out some yarn shops . . . can't wait to hear all about your trip and the kids . . . I am glad you are going to sign up for SP9 also . . .


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